The chapter of “Electrochemistry – I: Ion-Ion Interactions” from the book entitled “A Textbook of Physical Chemistry – Volume 1” covers the following topics:

The Debye-Huckel theory of ion- ion interactions; Potential and excess charge density as a function of distance from the central ion; Debye Huckel reciprocal length; Ionic cloud and its contribution to the total potential; Debye – Huckel limiting law of activity coefficients and its limitations; Ion-size effect on potential; Ion-size parameter and the theoretical mean-activity coefficient in the case of ionic clouds with finite-sized ions; Debye – Huckel-Onsager treatment for aqueous solutions and its limitations; Debye-Huckel-Onsager theory for non-aqueous solutions; The solvent effect on the mobality at infinite dilution; Equivalent conductivity (Λ) vs. concentration c 1/2 as a function of the solvent; Effect of ion association upon conductivity (Debye- Huckel – Bjerrum equation).


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